Tuesday, September 1, 2015

9.10 Arty snype croshair

9.10 Arty snype croshair

Script helps artillery players determine weather or not they can hit a target in "Arty Mode" while improving shooting ability in the Arty Assistant Mode.

What does the script do visually?
The script takes the regular sniper reticle (ex. 2 optimised circles from jimbo's crosshair mod) and places it in the arty mode view. reticle will only become visible when the shot is able to be made which gives the player ability to know if the shot is makeable BEFORE the shot is taken.
In the Arty Assistant Mode, the script replaces the traditional reticle with the same reticle from your sniper mode on "regular tanks (ex. IS-7, E100, etc..)" allowing the player to make more accurate shots.
**This script cannot help / fix RNG problems!**